
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

This gentle manual manipulation reduces inflammation/swelling, bruising and pain following accidents, injuries and surgical procedures. MLD is sometimes called lymphatic massage. Lymphatic work is also useful for autoimmune issues, sinus/allergies, and digestive problems.

First time clients are encouraged to book a 90 min session for optimal outcomes and education. 

60 min session = $120 | 90 min session = $155

Customized Massage Therapy

A combination of neuromuscular therapy, cupping, orthopedic techniques, and manual lymphatic drainage are used to address your specific needs and concerns.

Allow us to offer you a safe, comforting and therapeutic touch and modalities to improve your mental, emotional and physical health.

60 min session = $120 | 90 min session = $155 | 120 min session = $215

Scar Tissue Work

Scar tissue results from surgeries, accidents, and burns. This thick, sometimes raised, fibrous tissue is not as pliable as normal healthy skin and is weaker in terms of tensile strength. A scar that we can see is often accompanied by scar tissue underneath the skin that we can’t see but can feel. 

Scars and related adhesions often compress nerves, affect muscle function, change energy flow, and affect blood and lymph flow. Dolphin Neurostim MPS therapy is used along with scar massage and gentle cupping to relax and fade scar tissue, decrease pain in connective tissue, and increase range of motion in the affected areas.  Scar work can be included within any session.

knee with long surgical scar

white woman on a massage table receiving a scalp massage

Head, Jaw, and Neck Work

Tension or chronic headaches can be a result of too much device time, dry eyes, smiling too much during Zoom meetings, and non-optimal work, sleep and driving posture. Many clients tell me they didn’t know their face or even scalp could hold so much tension….well, it does for many of us.

I had TMD/TMJ issues most of my life and was a Project Manager in the corporate world for 20+ years. So, I know how important and necessary head, face, jaw and neck work is in just about every therapy session. I also perform intraoral work (wearing gloves) when necessary to reduce jaw pain. This work can be included within any session.

                                                 SCHEDULE HERE

Microcurrent Point Stimulation 

(MPS therapy) is used to treat chronic and acute soft tissue pain and scars in an all-natural, drug-free way. This is done by applying microcurrent impulses to trigger acupuncture points, providing quick and effective pain relief for a number of medical conditions. 

MPS therapy integrates the principles of acupuncture with modern neurological science to provide an all-natural, holistic approach to treating the body and mind. This combination produces very effective results which have been recognized across North America. MPS therapy works with the Dolphin Neurostim™ portable pain relief unit.

MPS therapy can be included within any session.

To learn more about Dolphin MPS therapy, please visit

scar on upper chest being treated with 2 handheld devices